hackety hack – the dr seuss of programming

Posted: April 27, 2011 in Uncategorized

so i just checked out hackety dash hack dot com . it’s just like try ruby dot org . I think these types of learning programs are really good if you have no idea what programming is. it’s like the dr seuss of programming. but im like in the 3rd grade of programming (self-deprecate much?) and i want a bit more. if these programs took it to the next step and showed users how to make their own blog with all the fixins (ie twitter widget or archive list) that would be more helpful. and not just the simple ruby code but how to incorporate databases and examples of how to actually publish online. maybe im asking too much from free software…

  1. Hey, Steve from Hackety here!

    You’re absolutely right: there should (and will be) more. I wanted to get a simple release out there, see what people thought, and improve. I’ll be adding more in the future… I want it to take you from “I know nothing” to “I could pass CS101.”

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